Novels  >  The Briton and the Dane: Legacy

The Briton and the Dane: Legacy

The Briton and the Dane: Legacy

Released:  April 21, 2013

Available Formats:  Hardcover/Paperback/eBook/Audiobook

Publisher:  Literary Underground

(Second Edition)  Book three in the trilogy


A Foreboding Omen. A Looming Storm. A Shattered Alliance.

A king overcomes a vast enemy, but peace is fleeting as war drums echo. A sea invasion, spurred by betrayal, leads to a naval clash. The king, facing Viking threats, must protect his realm in a decisive battle where the nation’s destiny hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos, a woman’s desperate attempt to forge peace backfires, sealing the doom of countless souls in the icy embrace of the sea. In this struggle, a weary ruler, beset by the specter of Norse conquest, rallies his people. With the fate of his kingdom at stake, he faces the invaders, driven by vengeance and the promise of Valhalla’s glory. The clash of wills and steel will determine the future of a nation, forever altering the course of history.

Tags: drama, dark ages, middle ages, medieval, Vikings, action and adventure, romance, historical fiction, Viking conquests, Norris mythology, Saxon England, Medieval warfare.

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