Novels  >  Forgiving Nero

Forgiving Nero

Forgiving Nero

Released:  February 14, 2021

Available Formats:  Hardcover/ Paperback/eBook

Publisher:  Whispering Legends Press


  • Independent Press Award 2023
    Distinguished Favorite Historical Fiction 
  • 2022 Chaucer Finalist for Early Historical Fiction
  • 2021 Book of the Year
    Historical Fiction Ancient World
    The Coffee Pot Book Club
  • Silver Medal Winner Historical Fiction
    Reviewer’s Choice Awards
    2021-2022 Reader Views
  • B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree

A Tyrant’s Rise. A Hero’s Challenge. A Destiny Unfolding.

In a Rome weakened by decadence, Nero, Caligula’s infamous heir, ascends to power. Determined to restore the glory of the Senate and his legions, he must outmaneuver the treachery that surrounds him. Trusting in Traian, his Praetorian confidant, Nero seeks to solidify his rule. But when Traian’s secret marriage to Vena, a captive with her own tale, emerges, it ignites a conflict that could topple an empire teetering on the edge of history.

Tags: Historical Fiction, Ancient Rome, Roman Empire, Roman Emperors, Christianity, Early Christian Persecutions, Religions, Ancient Historical Fiction, Historical Biographical Fiction, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Rome Biographies

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