Novels  >  Crusader's Path

Crusader's Path

Crusader's Path

Released:  April 12, 2020

Available Formats:  Hardcover/Paperback/eBook

Publisher:  Whispering Legends Press


2020  Book of the Year
Historical Romance Honorable Mention
The Coffee Pot Book Club

A redemptive crusade. A test of faith. A defiant love.

Driven by a quest for redemption, Etienne answers Pope Urban II’s call and joins the perilous Crusade led by Duke Robert of Normandy, aiming for Byzantium’s grandeur. Avielle, touched by Peter the Hermit’s words, commits to martyrdom after the brutal massacre at Mainz. In Constantinople, their paths converge, and amidst shared remorse, a tender love flourishes despite Avielle’s affliction. As Etienne beseeches the heavens for her recovery, pledging a monastic future, her health improves. Now, with Avielle on the mend, Etienne grapples with a heart-wrenching choice: uphold his sacred vow or yield to the call of his heart.

Tags: Historical Romance, Historical Fiction, First Crusade, Crusades, Byzantine Empire, Holy Land, Leprosy, Religious History, Christian Popes, Military Historical Fiction, War Fiction, Religions

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